We will fight against Corona.
I believe that everyone is becoming increasingly fatigued due to the long-term nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vaccination has now begun for the elderly, those under 65, and children over 5 years of age.
At our clinic, we started vaccinations on May 8, 2021, after the Golden Week holidays.
In light of the situation in Okayama Prefecture, we have decided that even patients who are not our regular patients but who have difficulty receiving the vaccine (such as being unable to make a reservation online, being unable to get through to the call center, or being unable to make a reservation with their regular doctor) can receive the vaccine at our hospital.
In order to meet your expectations, we will extend our clinic hours and do our best to accommodate you, so please contact us if you are in need of a vaccination. People outside Okayama City can also receive the vaccination.
We also send out appropriate messages via our official Line account, Facebook, and individual messages on Instagram.
I would appreciate it if you would follow me.
April 2022 Director
Requests to everyone
Many people arrive well before the vaccination time, causing huge crowds.
If complaints arise from nearby residents, the vaccination will have to be abandoned altogether.
This is a small clinic with parking for only 3 cars.
It would be very helpful if you could come at the scheduled time.
We are doing our best in this difficult situation and we ask for your cooperation.
We have increased the number of slots for June 19, 2021 by about 100 people. Posted on May 24th
100 more people will be added to the June 19, 2021 slots. Posted on May 30
90 new slots for August 21-31, 2021 Posted on August 16
90 people added to the September 4, 2021 slots. Posted on August 28th.
There are still spaces available for January 2022.
Coronavirus vaccine vaccinations have resumed since June 2022, mainly with Pfizer vaccines.
We have secured 1,300 spots for July and August.
We are borrowing a temporary parking lot (Ryobi Bus Park and Ride, west side of the prefectural Saidaiji housing complex) from Okayama Prefecture.